Wednesday, May 26, 2010

WWF campaign poster

This is my old wwf campaign poster that i did together with my friend & girl friend for design management class. Since its has not published yet, im thinking of publishing it here.So, here it is :

Some of my personal life story

And there is some sad story for me.. my flash data is corrupt. I just know that , never replace your old flash data with the new one too quick, or the data will corrupt, like me. Then my 2 hours worth of work gone. Damn, so pissed off right now, moreover, i haven't really do anything with my works today.

And there also some story about my creative exchange competition that held by limkokwing. My competitor, who currently is number one, has ridiculously high vote. He got 281 votes now, where the nearest competitior, who is me, only about 140 votes. The thing is, the works itself not reflecting the work that he did. Who voting for him are all of his friends. Yeah, some creative exchange all right, even the admin is so pissed off with the works, so he provide another prize for the real WINNER

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